
My 9 year old son has been with Simon and the team at Integer for the past year. During this time he has made huge improvements both on and off the football pitch. His effort during matches has increased tenfold, and this dramatically improved work ethic has resulted in some outstanding performances on the pitch. Simon works closely with each individual child and helps them to recognise their potential in all areas of life. Integer has given him the motivation he needs to excel both in and out of school. I feel this new found desire to succeed, is driving my son to reach a potential he may never have considered possible had he not joined Integer
— Parent


We have one very clear phrase here at Integer ‘Keep Moving Forward’. These three simple words encapsulate the ethos of the Integer programme. Keep moving forward in EVERY area of your life - and Integer helps you do this.

Simon Clifford, our founder and a world renowned football expert has worked and improved some of the best footballers in the game. He has identified 132 aspects that make up the perfect footballer. These are all covered in the programme and can be broken down into four key areas.


A Premier League football player will run, on average, approximately 11k in a single match. This will include short, sharp sprints and sustained fast-paced running to cover ground. Fitness is key, as is balance, strength, agility and power. We work on all of these with you individually through our sessions and training programme with our expert team quickly identifying what will help you move forward quickest.


At the top level of any sport, the elite levels of technical ability separate the good from the great. Inspired by Simon Clifford’s experience of futebol de salao, we focus on the technical skills needed to make it to the top. Each individual has their own technical training programme - the results of which are outstanding.


To reach the highest level of footballing success you need a strong mindset. Simon has identified tools and traits to support you in this, across all ages. The Integer Football programme includes elements of goal setting, journalling and reviewing - all designed to help you move forward. A strong positive mental attitude will drive you forward in all areas of your life, from relationships at home to performance.

The Integer Football programme equips you with the training, support and expertise to be the best you can be. This encompasses all areas of your life - from relationships at home to performance in school or college. The best people make the best footballers.


The Integer Football programme focusses on and encourages good daily habits. As these become instilled in you with great discipline, it frees up more time for you to focus on moving forward and being productive. Discipline equals freedom. Integer Football promotes good habits in all areas of life, from nutrition and sleep, to reading and relationships with those around you . Simon knows that to be the best footballer you have got to be the best person you can be so this is an important angle of the programme.

Leeds Harrogate one to one 1-2-1 coaching Integer Football